The "Awakening Your Light Body" series offer a unique path of spiritual awakening through experiential, progressive expansions of consciousness that assist you in directly knowing the truth of your being.
We welcome you who are joining the tens of thousands of people worldwide who have awakened their light bodies through DaBen and Orin's light body courses.
Increasing your inner light enriches everyone around you as you become more radiant. Regina introduces this six part online mini-series which will provide sample meditations and help you get started on your Light Body journey.
In Part 1: Building Your Power Base, DaBen will guide us through a meditation to awaken the first three vibrational energy body centers that create the power base for your light body.
When these centers are awakened, you can stay calm and peaceful, release "stuck" emotions, and experience greater physical well being and flowing emotions.
Orin will guide us to view your life as if you are a Master, giving yourself advice about your daily activities, career, relationships and much much more.
You will be guided to start visualizing yourself a a fully awakened, enlightened being. Orin shows us how to evolve our inner child, release old patterns, and prepare for the accelerated growth that can occur as you awaken your light body.
REGISTER in advance for this FREE Spirit Circle webinar:
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Leave the Spirit Circle with a new found awareness of your own Light Being energy centers bringing a sense of calm peaceful tranquility to all areas of your life in these challenging times of global transformation!
Regina helps men and women develop their spiritual intuitive gifts, so they can easily access higher realms of consciousness using simple divination tools for guidance and direction to create a life they love full of prosperity, happiness, and success.
Regina has been a natural mystic all her life and has been able to detect the energy of people, places, and things since the age of 9. Regina has developed her own intuitive gifts and healing modalities while studying with many Holistic Practitioners, Spiritual Healers, Psychic Mediums, Coaches, Authors, and Speakers around the world.
Regina now practices as a Light Body Teacher & Mystic at Holistic Meditation and Metaphysical Centers around the MD, DC, and VA area. For more information about the Beginner Spiritual Development Circle, visit
Orin and DaBen describe themselves as Beings of Light as channeled through Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer. They encourage you to accept only the ideas presented in these courses that seem true to the deepest part of your being, and to set aside any that do not.
They are working with us at this time because humanity is going through a major transition and awakening. Orin and DaBen believe that you have all you need within you to live an abundant, joyful, peaceful life, with loving and harmonious relationships and enjoyable, purposeful activities. For more information about LuminEssence Productions, visit
DISCLAIMER: Concepts and strategies shared in Beginner Spiritual Development Circles are ideas that have worked for members of our Light Being community. All content is for informational purposes only. Always use your own judgment and get the advice of professionals before partaking in any practice or exercise for your own spiritual health and well-being.
2020-03-30: Online: Awaken Your Light Body > Part 1: Building Your Power