Hi there!
Did you know? You have a spiritual essence inside you that, when activated, can powerfully turn into healing frequencies for yourself and others!
In our recent spirit circle, "I HEAL: Discover the Causes for Physical Illness and How to Overcome Them" we reviewed several different healing modalities and methods.
For more information about the heart warming info in this Spirit Circle download the handout here:
Beginner Spirit Circle Handout
Check out our YouTube channel for a recording of the spirit circle. (TIP: Increase the settings speed for quick playback.)
Beginner Spirit Circle Recording
Take the Beginner Spirit Circle Assessment to see where you may have areas in your life that may be slowing you down, standing in your way or stopping you. This may also give insight into areas that you would like to heal and transform!
Beginner Spirit Circle Abundance Assessment
Instructions: Circle the number that closely resembles your frequency regarding the below abundance statements. Total the number and divide by 10.
I found an excellent resource regarding the Supreme Court rolling back the Chevron Deference case of 1984.
This is a BIG win for We the People and federal agencies will have to roll back many regulations. https://ellenbrown.com/2024/07/15/the-supreme-court-takes-on-the-administrative-state/
However, if you don't know your rights, it's as if you don't have any rights.
Discover how to respond to corporate US and learn write documents that demand your inalienable rights as outlined in Our contract, the Constitution.
This group supported me in addressing a recent traffic ticket from a common law perspective. I now know my rights and what to do! Join me in Gianna and Scott's Inalienable University here:

Together we did a group healing that extends to those listening to the recording, so take advantage of the healing energy coming through!
Other resources we shared:
Valiant Thor’s Book of Vril: How to Live Long and Prosper
You Can Heal Your Life
Heal Your Body A-Z
by Louise L. Hay
Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender
by Dr. David R Hawkins
We also listended to a channeled message from Jeshua or Jesus.

With the full moon, we also enjoyed a guided meditation with Orin, Clearing Energy: Becoming Your Divine Self.
Orin's meditations are available for purchase here:

To continue working with your healing energetic powers, here are several meditations at healing frequencies of 432HZ or higher:
For those of you who would like to spend some 1-on-1 time with me for healings or tarot readings, I am currently offering private sessions online.
These sessions are currently no charge to book, as I am not operating as a business at this time, donations are accepted but not required.
With Love & Light,
Regina Luffey has been a natural mystic all her life and has been able to detect the energy of people, places, and things since the age of 9. She helps men and women develop their spiritual intuitive gifts, so they can easily access higher realms of consciousness for guidance and direction to create a life they love, full of happiness, prosperity, and success. Regina now practices as a Light Body Teacher & Mystic in Northern VA. You can read more about Regina and her work at https://beginnerspiritcircle.com.
DISCLAIMER: Concepts and strategies shared in this and any email communication from Regina Luffey are ideas that have worked for members of our community, holistic practitioners, health and wellness coaches, mediums, psychics, and friends. All content is for informational purposes only. Always use your own judgment and get the advice of professionals before partaking in any practice or exercise for your own spiritual health and well-being.