2020-01-18: JOURNEYS: Crystal Chakra Energy Healing Program


Are you sometimes filled with overwhelm, anxiety, or stress?

Not sure what the root cause might be?

In this Spirit Circle Event, find out how your Chakra Energy system can influence your wealth, health, relationships, happiness, and so much more!

A Chakra is a center of force within the body that is a connection point between metaphysical and biophysical energies.

We'll explore the seven main chakra energy centers starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head.

These invisible wheels of energy keep us vibrant and healthy. They correspond to different areas of your body and spiritual growth.

We'll take a simple, fun “Wheel of Life” chakra quiz where you will...

- Quickly identify which of your Chakras are strongest or weakest

- See how imbalances in your energy centers may affect prosperity and abundance in your life

- Know which areas of your life to focus on for your best and highest good

- Discover how each main chakra center (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown) can enhance your spiritual understanding of where you may be holding stress or anxiety

- You'll also learn the different powers of healing crystals by their color, vibration, and energy

- Identify which crystals are best for attracting money, healing relationships, creating possibilities, and awakening to your spirit guides

In the afternoon session, we will gain a new found understanding of crystals as tools for healing!

- Dismantle the barriers created by self-limiting beliefs through chakra energy balancing so you experience the flow of your energy and awaken your true inner-self

- Practice how to expand and contract your 7 main chakra energy centers (very important for those beginning to work with their psychic gifts)

- Master a Protection Process to ground and protect your energy before entering public places or difficult situations, or negative environments

- Learn the Crystal Chakra Energy Healing Process and how to focus your own healing power by channeling Divine Love and Wisdom to specific areas for yourself and others

- And much much more!

All participants will earn certificates for completing the Crystal Chakra Healing Program through the Beginner Spiritual Development Circle LLC.

RSVP by Thur Jan 16th for 85.00 Early Bird pricing!

Pay online

Or pay $95.00 at the door.

Note: Please bring your crystals, a pendulum, yoga mat, blanket & pillows for comfort and plenty of water for hydration. We will take a lunch break mid-day for you to recharge and refuel!


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