Upcoming Close Encounters of the 5th Kind (CE5) Global Events


Living in a guided state of flow doesn't always come easy for me.

The world seems to be filled with challenges and events that leave me walking the fine line of observing where my energy goes and how my actions impact others. 

Sometimes I don't understand why things happen the way they do and trust that there is a higher purpose to all of this.

Everything that has happened to you can be used to strengthen you if you allow it,” says Oprah Winfrey.  

Therefore, at this time Tracy and I have decided to cancel the Intro to Channeling event and the subsequent program we were planning. We're sorry to disappoint you!

Please check Tracy Farquhar's website at www.tracyfarquhar.com to sign up for her newsletters for future workshops and events. 

Tracy will continue to lead events that are in alignment with her work as a Psychic Medium and Channel such as:

talking to spirit: a mediumship webinar
On Zoom Sunday, June 6
3 - 6 PM ET  

Whereas I will be pursuing CE5 events of a more scientific endeavor as my background as an IT Engineer has me choose an objective approach in communicating with trans-dimensional beings.  You can sign up for my newsletters at www.spirit1234.com

High Vibrational Frequency

Working with the CE5 protocols developed by Dr. Steven Greer, and studying with Scientist Rupert Kortosh in understanding extraterrestrials, who they are and where they come from, seems to be the preferred path as I follow my guided state of flow and pursue interests in this multi-dimensional and universal extraterrestrial phenomenon.  

What is CE5?  As per Dr. Greer, in the movie Close Encounters of the 5th Kind: Contact Has Begun, he describes the levels of encounters as follows:

Close encounters of the 1st kind - visual sightings with naked eye of unidentified flying objects
Close encounters of the 2nd kind - some physical trace is present such as crop circles, impressions in the ground
Close encounters of the 3rd kind - occupants or pilots of extraterrestrial craft are witnessed
Close encounters of the 4th kind - a human is brought onboard an ET craft
Close encounters of the 5th kind - proactive human initiated communications with extraterrestrial beings

Although Dr. Greer does not have any official representatives or certified CE-5 teachers, he encourages CE-5 Contact groups around the world to pursue peaceful contact between earth and other interstellar civilizations in a structured and loving manner through guided meditations and CE5 protocols.

See an excerpt of one of Dr. Greer's emails to his CE5 Ambassador Group:

Dr. Greer Email

As COVID restrictions begin to lift, we are in the development phase of holding a local CE5 Event in the state of Virginia, with the support of Global CE5 Event Host and Scientist Rupert Kortosh. 

You can learn more about Global CE5 Communication Events on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ce5global/

You can also find local CE5 groups in your area.  Join me in a CE5 group here in Virginia at https://www.facebook.com/groups/virginiace5/.  

These groups are private however, all CE5 Events are free and those interested in peaceful contact between earth and other interstellar civilizations are
welcome and encouraged to join.

Global CE5

Stay tuned for more information regarding upcoming CE5 Events as we step forward into a new era of ascending consciousness and development towards galactic and interplanetary communications.

With Love & Light,

Regina A Luffey
Business Coach, Teacher & Mystic 
Beginner Spiritual Development Circle LLC 
Alexandria VA 22311

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