Here is another example of the Prosperity Principle of Tithing.
To receive the inheritance that is yours by birthright, as the sons and daughters of a God Consciousness that loves us, there is a Prosperity Principle that is worthy of your consideration.
One that will allow for Universal Abundance to pour down upon you and enrich you.
In Malachi 3:10 God CHALLENGES us to test Him.
"Bring ye the whole tithe into the store house, that there may be food in my house and prove me NOW, saith Jehovah, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be plenty of room to receive it."
As a practitioner of this Prosperity Principle, I've been challenged with things like a home mortgage on a house that's been empty for months, needed car repairs, groceries, and other financial challenges and yet I can attest that I have always been provided for. And in some of the most extraordinary ways!
1) To tithe is to acknowledge the Universe as the Source of your Light Being.
And that the Universe is ready, happy, and available to assist you.
2) To tithe is to give where you are spiritually led. Whatever organization, person, or event that inspires you on your Spiritual Journey, GIVE to them.
As an example of simple math, to show how the numbers work (yes, there is math involved!) here is my math:
For every $10 received at the last Spirit Circle, $1 went towards Charity Water on our behalf as an Organization, Beginner Spiritual Development Circle LLC.
For more information or to tithe of your own accord, please check out this video by the founder Scott Harrison. He has an inspiring story of how he came to raise money to provide clean water to third world countries and how communities everywhere are healthier and happier and living longer from the difference Charity Water has made. It is inspiring the difference we can make together!
Thank you for investing time and money in yourself and thus the transformation of the world just by you being you.
With Love & Light,