2019 Saw Many People Coming Into Awareness of their Intuitive Senses and 2020 Will Blow the Lid Off!
When we first began to meet in the summer of 2018, my goal was merely to find like-minded men and women who may have gifts of the psychic nature that I could meet and learn from.
My own studies with Psychic Mediums, Coaches, and Teachers had taken me from state to state and across the US looking for people who might have psychic gifts but didn't understand or know how to turn them on and off.
For centuries, those with psychic gifts were outcast, shamed, tortured and even put to death out of fear for what those gifts were and how they may have been using those intuitive senses for what appeared to be unscrupulous gains or mischief.
However, now a days, we are learning, and science is proving, that we all have some form of psychic awareness or another. Many are more intuitive than others. Some are also highly sensitive in the area of sight, knowing, and sensing other worldly dimensions of source energy.
It has indeed been a heartwarming journey for me touring MD, DC, VA, NJ, PA, NV, and CA, having the most amazing conversations regarding psychics, mediums, channels, spirit guides, angels, UFOs, ETs, the Universe, Source Energy, and all the different aspects of God portrayed in the major religions.
But it has been the personal experiences that has left me breathless and without-a-doubt connected to this Source Energy consciousness from whence we all come. Many of my stories and encounters have inspired other men and women to come forth with their own experiences, leaving me in wonder as to that which is unseen but readily available Source Energy for us to access and connect to for guidance and direction.
It has already been rumored amidst the Psychic Community that 2020 is going to be a "Heart Energy" year full of new and inspired Light Workers stepping up into the higher vibrational frequencies.
If you have felt called or inspired to learn more about your own psychic abilities, join us on Meetup at meetup.com and see if there is an up and coming Spirit Circle in your area at https://www.meetup.com/spiritcircle/.
Or join us on Facebook for inspiration and access to our upcoming events:
For a list of eye-popping and awe-inspiring books encountered on my spiritual journeys, visit https://beginnerspiritcircle.com/books/.
We now have an Online Psychic Intuitive Program which meets on Monday nights. Our next call is scheduled for:
Monday January 6th, 2020
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Join Us Online from the comfort of your home!
For more information about this Six Month Program, visit https://beginnerspiritcircle.com/basics/
Join with other like-minded men and women who are also discovering their intuitive senses are awakening and expanding.
Our next Healing Energy Spirit Circle will be in Charlotte Hall, MD. Check your calendar to see if you may be able to join us on Sat Jan 18th for this special Energy Healing Spirit Circle at Journey’s Holistic Therapy Group in Charlotte Hall MD.
Crystal Chakra Energy Healing Program
Saturday, January 18, 2020
9:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Journeys Holistic Therapy Group
30537 Potomac Way Suite 101
Charlotte Hall Maryland 20622
For more info and to RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/spiritcircle/events/265784551/