News and Events: The Art of Numerology and Prosperity Affirmations


Hi there!

This week did not turn out quite the way I had planned! After a serious fall in Alexandria VA, my daughter found herself pretty banged up and bruised. Our Certification Program on Crystal Chakra Energy Healing was canceled Saturday as I returned home to Virginia to help her care for her wounds. She is doing better and I am grateful for all the well wishes and prayers!

These days I find myself in wonder when such events arise. What is this teaching me? What is there to learn? Life doesn’t always follow my desired route but sometimes brings me to situations, and events designed to teach me or someone near me ways of being that expands our conscious awareness of ourselves and often life itself.

Such is the topic of many of our Beginner Spiritual Development Classes! We have two classes coming up this month designed to hone in on your intuitive gifts and learn some new manifestation techniques.

A keener awareness of yourself and your energy allows for the ability to deal with circumstances and events in an intuitive and “knowing” manner based on the awareness of vibrational frequencies and how they feel.

According to the art of numerology, there was a vibrational frequency present the day you were born that can tell you many things. Using just your name and date of birth, you will learn the key to discovering who you – and your loved ones – really are.

Who is my soul mate?
What career is best for me?
Where should I live?

The answers to these and many other questions are in your numbers. Through the science of Numerology, you can determine what might be the best action to take in any given situation and take control of your life using this ancient science!

JOURNEY’S: Discover What Life Has in Store for You through Numerology!Thursday, May 16, 20196:30 PM to 8:00 PM

For more information and to RSVP, click here:

Special thanks to Journey’s Holistic Therapy Group in Charlotte Hall, Maryland 20622 for their Holistic Community of Spiritual Health and Wellness.

Discover What Life Has In Store For You through Numerology!

We also have a brand-new Beginner Spiritual Development Class coming to the Sacred Circle Bookstore.

ALEXANDRIA VA: How Dynamic Prosperity Affirmations Manifest Success & Abundance
In this class, you will learn an easy yet powerful way to increase your finances, advance your career, mend relationships, and transform unpleasant circumstances through the simple use of sound, vibrations, affirmations and mantras.

Use powerful affirmations and Divine Love and Wisdom to begin to awaken to higher vibrations of consciousness. As you “tune in” to people, places, and things happening as a result of your increased intuitive senses and thought patterns, focusing on only the ones that feel good, you begin to notice how Universal Energy begins to respond to you!

ALEXANDRIA VA: How Dynamic Prosperity Affirmations Manifest Success & Abundance

Friday, May 24, 20197:00 PM to 8:30 PM

For more information and to RSVP, click here:

Come early and shop the Sacred Circle Bookstore in Alexandria VA for metaphysical books, tarot cards, crystals, sage, incense, candles and much much more!

Check out this map of FREE PARKING near the Sacred Circle.

The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity and Abundance

In June we’ll dig deeper into they Mystical World of Tarot…

ONLINE: How Tarot Cards Can Help to Develop Your Intuitive Senses

Thursday, June 6, 2019

6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

Angel Tarot Card Reading


If you are having any intuitive breakthroughs as your awareness of your spiritual gifts expands, I’d love to hear about them! Just click reply and fill me in. I may not respond to all of the emails I receive but I read every one.

Feel free to set up a free one-on-one session for guidance and support at

Here’s to your Spiritual Health and Wellness!
With Love & Light,

Regina A Luffey

Business Coach, Teacher & Mystic
Beginner Spiritual Development Circle LLC
Alexandria VA 22311

Facebook | Twitter | Meetup | Instagram | Website

Regina helps women develop their spiritual intuitive gifts so they can easily access higher realms of Consciousness using simple divination tools for guidance and direction to create a life they love full of Prosperity, Happiness, and Success.

Regina has been a natural mystic and empath all her life and has been able to detect the energy of people, places, and things since the age of 9. Regina has developed her own intuitive gifts and healing modalities while studying with many Holistic Practitioners, Spiritual Healers, Psychic Mediums, Coaches, Authors, and Speakers. Regina now practices as a Certified Business Coach, Teacher & Mystic at Holistic Meditation and Yoga Centers around the MD, DC, and VA areas to include Journey’s Holistic Therapy Group in Charlotte Hall, MD and the Sacred Circle Book Store in Alexandria, VA.

DISCLAIMER: Concepts and strategies shared in this and any email communication from Regina Luffey or the Beginner Spiritual Development Circle are ideas that have worked for members of her community, holistic practitioners, health and wellness coaches, mentors, students, and friends. All content is for informational purposes only. Always use your own judgment and get the advice of professionals before partaking in any practice or exercise for your own spiritual health and wellbeing.


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