News and Events: Beginner Spiritual Development Circles


- Do you have a book in you ready to come out?

- Are you listening to your intuition and allowing your psychic gifts to bloom?

- Is raising your energy and vibration part of your everyday routine?

- Are your creative juices flowing, ideas and thoughts that are inspiring, uplifting, and motivational?

More and more women and men are awakening to a higher calling, a sense of purpose, and a desire to heal past hurts.  Within 50+ spiritual readings, I've discovered a theme for the extraordinary in the people who've accepted my offer for psychic readings to acknowledge their psychic gifts, hone their own spiritual intuitive wellness, and are about ready to break free of communication barriers within themselves to serve their higher sense of Purpose.  

With 2019 being a Numerology World Year of 3 for Communications (2+0+1+9=12 and then normalize to single digit of 1+2=3) the Feminine Energy of the planet seems to be taking a huge leap forward in self-expression and leadership sourced from deep within the bosom of the human race.

I have been left awestruck and inspired by the readings I've given, finding many of the women I've met to be ready for the next exciting chapter in their lives, wanting to forgive past hurts and move forward with Courage and Inspiration and Passion!

These readings have been with the intent to connect with Spirit and call upon Divine Love and Wisdom for your highest good, the good of the Universe, and people everywhere.

Throughout the month of April, to take advantage of these $5 dollar readings where we use Divination Tools to include Angel Tarot cards for spiritual insight into any situation in your life, past, present, and future; as well as Oracle Sacred Geometry Activation cards for uplifting intuitive guidance from the Universe for your best and highest good.

ONLINE $5 Psychic Readings & Activations

Saturday, April 20th

Saturday, April 27th

From 9am to 3 pm



If you are someone who suspects that you may have one or more psychic gifts, then you are WELCOME to come to any of our upcoming Beginner Spiritual Development Circles and get "plugged in" to a loving, safe, and supportive community of Spiritual Health and Wellness for your highest good.

Beginner Psychics in Maryland can check out our Meetup Groups on the third Thursday of every month at Journey's Holistic Therapy Group in Charlotte Hall MD.

For Virginia Beginner Psychics, see our Meetup Groups scheduled for the fourth Friday of every month at Sacred Circle Book Store in Alexandria VA.


We have many upcoming opportunities for you to experience spiritual health and wellness through a number of upcoming classes and online sessions.

Upcoming Spirit Circles:

JOURNEYS: Learn the Metaphysical Properties & Mystic Lore of Healing Crystals

Thursday, April 18, 2019 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Journey's Holistic Therapy Group

30537 Potomac Way, Suite 102

Charlotte Hall, Maryland 20622

ALEXANDRIA VA: Basic Survival Secrets for the Psychic Empath

Friday, April 26, 20197:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Sacred Circle Books

919 King Street

Alexandria, VA 22314


In May we have an Extraordinary All-Day Psychic Healing Workday at Journey's Holistic Therapy Group!

In this Meetup, you will experience the Healing Properties of Crystal Chakra Energy Healing:

- learn how to use a pendulum

- read your chakras

- balancing your energy

- receive Healing Energy from Spirit

- use your hands to channel healing energy

- and your own intuitive senses to channel Divine Love and Energy

- practice mastering the Power of thoughts and intentions

- all for your best and highest good

- and much much more!

This is a highly intuitive class for all those who may be Empathic, have Clairsentient gifts or are feeling called to use your gifts in service as Healers or Holistic Practitioners.  

JOURNEYS: Crystal Chakra Energy Healings

Come receive Ultra High Frequency Energy Healings and energize your chakras for better Health, Wealth, Happiness, Success, Prosperity, Success, Relationships, and a whole lot more!

Saturday, May 11, 2019 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

(Save $100 when you RSVP by May 9th)

Journey's Holistic Therapy Group

30537 Potomac Way, Suite 102

Charlotte Hall, Maryland 20622


We'll also meet online for our FREE MONTHLY ONLINE CIRCLE:

Energize Your Chakras for Spiritual Wellness & Healing

Saturday, May 4, 2019 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM


If you prefer a private one-on-one session, feel free to PM me through Facebook or just REPLY to this message.  Here's to your Spiritual Health and Wellbeing!

With Love & Light,


Many thanks to the kindness and generosity of Sacred Circle and Journey's Holistic Therapy Group whose support has made these Spirit Circle Events possible.

Regina A. Luffey, Business Coach, Teacher, & Mystic

Beginner Spiritual Development Circle LLC


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