Join us for the DECEMBER meeting of The Healing Cooperative®-FAIRFAX!
We welcome all those who are passionate about holistic healing! Practitioners and admirers of the healing arts are all encouraged to attend!
Meetings include: therapeutic sharing exercise, guided meditation, presentation by Speaker of the Month, healing circle, networking, and refreshments. Would you like to be a Speaker of the Month for an upcoming meeting? We meet monthly at the Intuitive Wellness Center – back entrance. Thank you to Gina Maybury for hosting us each month!
Participation is $10 cash only, exact change please.
DECEMBER Speaker of the Month is:
Regina Luffey / Lotus Wellness Center / Coach, Teacher, and Mystic presenting:
– Do people often approach you and share personal stories or feelings?
– Can you sense what someone is feeling before they even speak to you?
– Do you sometimes feel uneasy, uncomfortable, or overwhelmed when in large groups of people or public places?
Any of these signs indicate that you may have intuitive psychic gifts. Learn about and understand your special gifts, including:
Clairvoyance (ability to see)
Clairaudience (hear)
Clairsentients (feel)
Claircognizant (know)
Clairolfaction (smell)
Clairgustation (taste)
– Learn simple techniques to open your psychic senses and raise your vibrational frequency
– Get acquainted with some simple divination tools such as crystals, tarot, sage, candles, and incense
– How to protect yourself from lower energy frequencies, like energy vampires or drama queens
– Powerful meditation practices to strengthen your link to your Spirit Guides and Angels
– Discover how to clear the energy in your home or office
– Learn how best to care for yourself energetically and spiritually for your best and highest good
– Leave this presentation knowing how to embrace your personal intuitive gifts and live a life you love!
Interactive exercises will include:
– Visualization to open chakra energy centers
– Quiz to see where your psychic gifts are strongest
– Techniques to clear and raise the energy in your home or office
– Touch and feel simple Divination tools that help connect you to higher levels of consciousness
A little self care can help you raise your vibrational frequency so you can enjoy the holidays with ease and glide into the New Year supercharged and excited!
Join us for the December meeting of The Healing Cooperative®-FAIRFAX and – if you are a holistic health practitioner – please feel free to come prepared to share what you have to offer in the vast field of holistic healing!
*In the event of inclement weather please check invitation for possible cancellation one hour prior to meeting start time!
See you on Thursday DECEMBER 13th for our next meeting! Please plan to arrive by 6:45 as we start at 7pm 🙂
You will be introduced to our new Fairfax Meeting Facilitator Sheila Cash!
Also please note that we are now meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month in Fairfax!
See you on DECEMBER 13th!
Susan Taylor-Gol, MsCMHC, NCC
Founding Director of The Healing Cooperative®