I HEAR: How to Expand Your Clairaudient Sense for Guidance and Direction


Do you often know what people will say before they say it?

Can you tell instinctively when someone is telling the truth or not?

Have you ever hear words, phrases, or even music at frequencies that no one else can hear?

As you begin to practice and understand how to recognize and work with your own clairaudient intuitive senses, you’ll find it easier to:

- "Tune in" to frequencies that can alert you of danger
- Receive messages from your Higher Self or Soul Self
- Learn the proper way to ask your intuition specific questions
- Develop creative solutions and healing methodologies using sound
- Visualize and sense possible outcomes for the higher good


In this online Spirit Circle, we'll go over several simple energy techniques to develop your clairaudient senses to include:

1. Affirmations for Prosperity & Abundance - Begin to manifest abundance and prosperity using the power of affirmations, and self-confidence through sound vibrations of your own voice in the Universe

2. Guided Meditations & Hypnosis - Learn to go inward and connect with higher realms of consciousness for guidance and direction. Hear messages from your loved ones who have passed over.

3. Chakra Energy Activation & Sound Vibrations - Enjoy connecting with your inner Light and activating your intuitive senses using certain vibrational healing frequencies, brain waves, and visualizations.

Learn how these and other Divination Tools can help you to hone in on activating your clairaudient gifts and empower you to communicate by activating several of your chakra energy centers and much much more...

Leave the Circle feeling renewed, re-energized, and inspired to recognize those nudges, signs and symbols, and live a life you love!

I HEAR: How to Expand Your Clairaudient Sense for Guidance & Direction

Monday, October 12, 2020
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EDT

Register in advance for this Spirit Circle webinar at:

BOOK RAFFLE: One lucky participant will win a copy of John Holland's "Bridging Two Realms: Learn to Communicate With Your Loved One's On The Other Side"!


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