The winter months have been full of challenges and struggles for many of us. Or rather, "opportunities for expansion", as I call them with my Clients and Students. Only, for me, they didn't FEEL like opportunities at the time…I definitely had to focus on making good choices and keeping my energy as high as I could with guided meditations, journeys, and Light Body channeling sessions with my Spirit Guides, Orin & DaBen.
I knew that if I were to spend any time worrying about the circumstances, instead of raising my energy, things would definitely spiral out of control.Hypnotherapy has become an interest of mine and as I struggled to maintain positive thoughts in the face of the difficult circumstances, I reached out to June Becker, of Journey's Holistic Therapy Group. June got me all cozy on her couch and put on some gentle music. I felt safe as I explored what was "underneath" the challenging events. During hypnosis I perceived myself as being on a hamster wheel, spinning as fast as I could to stay ahead of the lower vibrational circumstances.
The magic of June's gift of healing allowed me to see that I have been responding to the emotions of others. Through several snaps of her fingers above my head, she broke the connections to the emotions surrounding the situation I was dealing with and I imagined myself being set free.What?! "Hold on", I said, feeling the release of emotions through tears. "That is not my hamster wheel". I was feeling the strain of other people’s emotions and energy. I envisioned myself stepping off the hamster wheel and standing STILL. I watched the hamster wheel continue to spin which now represented the feelings, emotions, and drama of other people in my life. Now as the Observer,
I did not want to be on that hamster wheel any longer!During the hypnosis session, I realized that I was actually doing pretty good with my spiritual practices, the support of my friends, and Spirit Guides. So many wonderful things had been happening that I had overlooked the miracles because of my worry and upset.As a result of doing Light Body work the past few months, I have accepted a new position within my company, received a raise, hired a property management company for my real estate investments, and my relationship with my boyfriend has improved as we focused on optimal healthy choices and Crystal Chakra Healing sessions.
![crystalChakraEnergyHealing Crystal Chakra Energy Healing](
As I wrapped up my hypnotherapy session with June, we invented the possibility that I could bring my energy work and Light Body vibrational practice to the conversations surrounding the difficult circumstance. I realized that, who I can be, in those situations, is my choice. I began to re-invent myself.Instead of being upset and stressed, I now choose to be happy and full of joy.
The moment I sense any anxiety, I've been saying, "Not my hamster wheel" and choosing to bring through images of the Sun, Light Energy, and self-exciting vibrations as part of my spiritual practice.Several days after the hypnosis session, I found myself in a completely different vibration. A consult with an attorney revealed that my situation, although not completely resolved, was indeed coming to an end with optimal closure.
I thought it funny that before my Uber arrived to take me home from the attorney's office, I got a Facebook Message from June with two hamsters on a wheel, one running frantically and one barely hanging on. It made me laugh!
![Hamster Wheel](
Since then, my property manager found me a new tenant and they moved in this past weekend.One of our Spirit Circle Members, reached out to me and showed me a place in Virginia that may be perfect to hold our future Spirit Circles. She and I had dinner one-night last week and many new ideas are coming through.And the most wonderful news, recent diagnostic tests found that my boyfriend, who had been participating in a clinical trial for leukemia, is now cancer free and in good health. With my challenges and "opportunities for expansion" behind me, I am now re-energized to resume our Beginner Spiritual Development Circles and we have several new events on the books!Our Psychic Intuitive series continues on Monday nights with our next Online Spirit Circle.
If you’ve gone through your own challenges this winter and have overcome with your own Spiritual Practice, I’d love to hear! Feel free to email me at Your message comes straight to my inbox and I read every one!Here’s to your Spiritual Health & Wellness,
Regina A. Luffey
Business Coach, Teacher & Mystic
Beginner Spiritual Development Circle LLC
Alexandria VA 22311