News and Events Plus Free Online Webinar: What Are Your Psychic Gifts? Wed Nov 27th


What I love most about Tarot Card Reading is the messages and signs we get from the Spirit Realm. "How do they know?" I will sometimes ask myself when the cards are so on point! It's as if the cards have a vibrational frequency of their own and can tell us what is coming next.

So was the case in this week's Angel Tarot Class in Alexandria VA. We spent a good bit of time going over the numbers, colors, and symbols of this ancient divination tool that traces back to the Egyptian era. Every card has its own vibrational frequency and message. Paired with our current everyday situations and circumstances, the Tarot is one way Spirit can offer guidance and direction to the inquisitive seeker.

Each one of us received a special message this week and the class was a lot of fun!

Angel Tarot Spirit Circle

Up next is our first Spirit Circle in Washington DC and I am so excited! This is a very special time in our planet's history where Divine Light is coming through many who are coming into awareness of their spiritual gifts.

In this Meetup, discover five simple techniques to develop your intuitive senses to include:
1. Chakra Crystal Energy Healing - Uncover hidden blocks or limiting beliefs by tuning in to your chakra energy system
2. Prosperity & Abundance - Begin to manifest abundance and prosperity through the power of affirmations, and self-confidence
3. Angel Tarot Reading - Receive guidance and support from your guardian angels through Angel Tarot Card readings
4. Numerology - Assess your intuitive senses and how they may already be working your life now
5. Kinesiology - How to muscle test whether a choice or upcoming decision is for your highest good

Learn how these and other Divination Tools can help you to enhance your intuitive senses and much much more...

WASHINGTON DC: 5 Simple Ways to Enhance Your Intuitive Senses
Friday, November 8, 2019
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Friends Meeting of Washington
2111 Florida Ave NW
Washington, DC 20008

5 Simple Ways

Some clues that your psychic senses are opening up are:

Are your feelings hurt easily?

When meeting someone, do you intuitively know that something is wrong, even though the other person appears to be happy?

When you are driving, do you instinctively sense when you should take a different route, only to find later that you would have encountered a traffic jam if you had taken the original one?

Are you the individual that people go to when they're feeling down or need to get something off their chest?

Do strangers often come up to you and ask for directions? Also, when shopping, do people think that you are an employee and begin to ask you questions?

These are just a few of the possible signs of a psychic sensitivity. People are naturally drawn to those with this ability. Feelers will also often receive other people's stuff. By "stuff" I mean information that's not yours. If your natural psychic inclination is to feel, it's also likely that you'll pick up vibrations from others, which will have an effect on your own disposition.

If your temperament is usually one that's upbeat, and for some inexplicable reason you start feeling down (even though nothing has happened around you to cause this), try approaching the phenomenon from a different angle: Instead of wondering "What's wrong with me?" try asking the question, "Who's wrong with me?"

It may often be the case that you're actually tuning in to the feelings or vibrations from someone else without even knowing it!

This month we are launching our Online Program: Basic Survival Secrets for the Psychic Intuitive: Energy Techniques and Divination Tools You Can Use to Enhance Your Intuitive Senses.

Clairvoyance (ability to see)
Clairaudience (hear)
Clairsentients (feel)
Claircognizant (know)
Clairolfaction (smell)
Clairgustation (taste)

For more information regarding ways to enhance and develop your intuitive senses, join us online for this Free Online Question and Answer Spirit Circle, "What Are Your Psychic Gifts?"

FREE ONLINE WEBINAR: What Are Your Psychic Gifts?
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Join us from your home PC!

What Are Your Psychic Gifts?


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