NOTICE: Due to the changing times and spiritual awakening, our Monday Night Beginner Spirit Circles are now FREE and you can join from the comfort of your home.

"Everything is going to be okay", they say.  I've received this message from multiple Spirit Guides and Mystics.  But first, we have to stay calm and be vigilant in these changing times. 

There’s a lot of scary things happening in the world right now. There’s the coronavirus, the economic meltdown, and many parts of the world on extreme “self-quarantine” (including where I live in Alexandria VA).

And there is also an elevated vibrational frequency of compassion, fellowship and love breaking out, unprecedented in human history, from the comfort of our homes.

I love technology and am grateful for the infrastructure that is in place to help us through this crisis.  As an IT professional, I am aware of increased bandwidth for VPNs, security updates, cloud computing, webinar technology... these things thrill me!  I am such a geek.

We are now able to bring education, medical care, banking, telework, shopping and of course entertainment streaming into our living rooms.  As an introvert, I love it!

So, to help balance the calm and channel more Light, we are now available to reach more people, just like you, tune in to your own spiritual expansion. 

I've put together some very special Spirit Circles to help us all get through these crazy times.

I’ve stayed connected to my own Spirit Guides and am overwhelmed by the compassion and support that has surrounded us both from above and here on Earth.

The world is changing very rapidly and we are all part of a mass shift in consciousness, either consciously or unconsciously. 

Your own intuitive senses are becoming stronger and heightened as we "tune in" to our own spiritual development as well as the events going on in the world.

Register in advance for these FREE Spirit Circle webinars at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Awakening Your Light Body Series:

Live Online Session #1: Building Your Power Base: Monday March 30th

Live Online Session #2: Opening Your Heart Center: Monday, April 13th

Live Online Session #3: Activating Your Higher Energy Center: Monday, April 27th

Live Online Session #4: Aligning Your Vibrational Bodies: Monday, May 11th

Live Online Session #5: Awakening Your Light Body: Monday, May 25th

Live Online Session #6: Becoming Radiant: Monday, June 8th

This week, I've became keenly aware of my own Spirit Guides and Angels aligning situations and events on my behalf to encourage me to "show up" and offer support and guidance.

Register in advance for these Free Beginner Spirit Circle webinars at:

Beginner Spiritual Development Series for the Psychic Intuitive

Live Online Session #1: What Numerology Has in Store for You: Monday, April 6th

Live Online Session #2: Mystic Lore & Healing Properties of Crystals: Monday, April 20th

Live Online Session #3: Your Body Knows: Self Muscle Testing: Monday, May 4th

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

During these trying times, it’s best to focus on going within, expanding your own psychic senses, and shining your Divine Light vs. constantly drowning yourself in news and social media about the virus.

At the same time, I encourage you to follow all the recommended precautions and only pay attention to non-biased health organizations for the latest updates.

Feel free to email me directly at if you have ANY questions or "Ah Ha" moments you would like to share.   Your email comes straight to my inbox and I read every one!

Here's to your Spiritual Health & Well Being!

With Love & Light,


Regina A. Luffey

Business Coach, Teacher & Mystic

Beginner Spiritual Development Circle LLC

Alexandria VA 22311


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