My Moonology Crystal Grid
During a recent Moonology Challenge with Yasmin Boland, I created my first crystal grid for meditating during the New Moon Phase of Pisces. #moonologymanifestingchallenge
I've been looking to move out of the city and find a place closer to the ocean.
This or something better...
Aside from working on manifesting my new Beach House, I've also been studying with Hay House Gurus, Psychic Mediums, and Spiritual Healers such as Tracy Farquhar, John Holland, and Christian Mickelson, to name some of my favorite teachers.
Powerful Group Meditations
Another Spiritual Community that I absolutely love is Dr. Steven Greer's Ambassador Membership Program. His work promoting planetary peace of elevated consciousness through group meditation is inspirational and timely in an ever changing world.
Dr. Greer's latest movie "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun" is an extraordinary documentary on some of the most controversial information every released regarding extraterrestrial visitors and their benevolent purpose and intentions.
Reference: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind
CE5 Zoom calls in our Ambassador Membership Group, as of late, have been active with extraterrestrial activity, sightings, ships, and experiences from people all around the world.
In one of these CE5 calls, I learned of the Treaty to Prevent the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space.
The "Peace In Space" Treaty
"This is the year we acknowledge our visiting ETs and their crafts are not a threat, and when world leaders have agreed to not be 'first' to place weapons above all our heads.
And this is the year when this website will focus on the courageous individuals who call for this Treaty to be signed into a binding world law. And who also work on producing a new vision of expanding joint international cooperative civil, commercial, entrepreneurial and military space ventures that will replace the old plans to escalate weapons into space."
Reference: Peace in Space Introduction
"The Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space establishes a framework and procedures to assure that space will be a neutral realm from which all classes of space-based weapons are banned and from which no hostile action shall be taken toward beings or objects on Earth or in space from space."
Reference: Peace in Space Treaty
It is exiting to be part of this special movement. I look forward to learning more about peaceful adventures in space as the mysteries of the Universe unfold before our eyes!
Special Tarot Reading and Oracle Activations
Until we are able to meet in person again, our Spiritual Development Meetup Group will remain dormant however, for those of you who are having unexplained psychic experiences or would like support and guidance regarding spiritual activity, we are running a special on 1-on-1 Private Psychic Readings.
Schedule your Tarot Reading and Oracle Activation today and we will tap in to Spiritual Guidance and Wisdom in any area of your life such as Health, Wealth, Relationships, Career, and more!
Tarot Reading and Oracle Activation
Use coupon code SAVE20 at checkout to save 20%.
During your Tarot Reading & Oracle Activation, we will connect with the Spirit Realm, tap into your intuitive senses, and ask your deepest questions about any area of your life such as Health, Wealth, Relationships, Finance or Life Purpose.
Receive information about many things that you may need to know as you set goals and objectives for the coming year.
Learn how to create your own crystal grid and manifest prosperity and abundance. Leave the session renewed touched and inspired to live a life you love!
For a limited time, use coupon code SAVE20 to save 20% on your Private 1:1 Psychic Reading here:
Here's to your Spiritual Health & Wellness!
With Love & Light,
Regina A Luffey
Business Coach, Teacher & Mystic
Alexandria VA 22322
For a full list of appointments and services visit:
Regina has been a natural mystic all her life and has been able to detect the energy of people, places, and things since the age of 9. Regina has developed her own intuitive gifts and healing modalities while studying with many Holistic Practitioners, Spiritual Healers, Authors, and Speakers.
DISCLAIMER: Concepts and strategies shared in Beginner Spiritual Development Circles are ideas that have worked for members of our Light Being community. All content is for informational purposes only. Always use your own judgment and get the advice of professionals before partaking in any practice or exercise for your own spiritual health and well-being.