2020-04-07 Festival of Love Full Moon Global Meditation


There is an enormous opportunity right now to bring more spiritual light to the world. The world is on "pause" as we practice social distancing and self-care. This the most silent it has been in years.

This silence makes it possible to "sense" the higher dimensions of Self, your soul, divine angels, spirits, beings of light, and guides.

You may have felt this awakening as:
- a greater appreciation for beauty and nature
- a deeper connection to family and friends
- a profound sense of your own spiritual being, power, and light

Everyone is participating in this planetary shift.

The opportunity to bring more light to the world is so great that a call has gone out from the masters and beings of light to ask everyone who can receive and radiate light to do so.

It is important to stay in the light and not fall into mass consciousness.

Know that there is no effort too small or insignificant. Every moment you reach upward and open to light adds to the light that is available for everyone.

You can help bring about a better future as you live in more light and radiate light to others.

This is a wonderful opportunity to energize your life and relationships with divine love and then offer it to the world.

Calling upon the Great Ones in this time of Planetary Crisis

Who are these Great Ones? They are Beings of Light who include the Radiant Ones, the Enlightened Ones, as well as those who are even more evolved. Although they never interfere with free will, they can be called upon to assist humanity in lifting some of the conditions present.

The Great Ones work through those who can hear and respond to the energies they are transmitting. They respond only to group need and lend their assistance when called upon by enough sincere people. They are in touch with the highest forces of light, and can work from these high levels to help humanity create powerful changes.

Together, we can and are making a difference!

In this Festival of Love Full Moon Global Meditation Spirit Circle, we will:
- relax and clear our minds
- call your Soul Self to you and blend
- sense the thousands of Light Workers joining the collective meditation
- join the magical call of Love to the Great Ones
- connect to Source Energy coming from the Spirit Realm
- channel the group Light out to humanity
- sounding "OM" either aloud or silently
- imagine joining thousands around the world to send the energy you receive:

To all who are on the front lines, serving with courage all those in need in many different fields of service:

To your friends and family
To all those who are responsive to your transmissions
To all light servers on the planet
To all of humanity
To plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms

Have no attachment to any results, for there may be none you can measure.
Acknowledge your part in being a valuable and important contribution to all of life.

Register in advance for this Spirit Circle webinar at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Leave the meditation filled with Divine Love, peace, radiance and joy in having connected to the Great Ones in this global Festival of Love during the full moon brought forth by our call of collective consciousness!

For more information regarding the global Festival of Love, visit https://www.orindaben.com/pages/home/festlove/


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